From Contamination to Confidence:
How TechnoFresh Keeps Your Laundry Truly Clean
smelly HE front loading washer, mildew smell sports clothes, T shirts ,towels, spots/stains after the clothes washed, Black mold rubber door gasket,

Why Is This Happening?

Even though you do not have these levels of nasties – It does not take much to have odor problems.

nasties  =  a biofilm consisting of fungus, mold, mildew and slimey bacteria.

Everyone has a different mix of these. However, they all have on thing in common.The growth is covered by a hydrophobic (water resistant) slime. This blocks the effect of monthly shock treatment. The shock treatments have a lot of scent oils to cover up a poor job of removing the detergent build-up. TechnoFresh does not have scent oils. It doesn’t need them. TechnoFresh works! 


These nasties feed and grow on “stuff” mixed with the gooey excess detergent that is coating the tub walls and the internal plumbing and under the door gasket.

The food “stuff” comes from microscopic natural fibers of wool, cotton, linen and silk mixed with the gooey excess detergent.

The food also comes from other sources like tomato sauce, gravy, dirt and other barnyard soils.

Because the inside of the machine never really dries out, the natural, organic materials are almost guaranteed to rot.

All different types of black mold, fungus, mildew and bacteria slime grow on the rotting organic stuff mentioned above.

Microscopic bits and pieces of these nasties get transferred to the laundry during the wash cycles.

Then the T-shirts, towels and diapers start to smell after they get damp again.

Once a month you run a cleaning cycle or two to get rid of the smell.

The Re-contamination Problem

For a few days after you clean the build-up in the machine using caustic chemicals of the tablets and packs of common cleaners, the smell is gone.

However, the fungus, mold, mildew and slimely bacteria grow back quickly.

The problem is due to the fact that all the detergent can never be removed from the surface of the drum and plumbing.

The new detergents are made to coat the fibers of the laundry before being rinsed off with the dirt. 

During the rinse cycle, water flows through the fabrics with the detergent and dirt being removed.

However, the rinse water does not get to the plumbing and inner tub surfaces easily. So, it is not removed completely.

In fact, science tells us the detergent can never be completely removed because it won’t let go.

The detergent crawls along the surface of the fibers (and the plumbing) almost as if it was alive!


Nerds: Use Duck-Duck-Go to search for: Surface Tension, Wetting Angle and watch “The Blob” movie.

Moral of the Story:

If you use too much gooey detergent, it will come after you!


Lets think about this.

There will always be detergent and food for the nasties on the plumbing.

There will always be spores and bacteria floating in the air.

So, the contamination is almost guaranteed to come back.

All through the month your laundry is re-contaminated with bits and pieces of the bacteria, mold, fungus and mildew.

As the days pass, the growth gets worse.

And, the smell gets worse.

The first load of the week smells more than the last load because there is less loose material to deposit on the laundry. 

That is why the smell seems to come and go.


The growth is exponential.

Towards the end of the month the smell explodes.

And, you don’t know it has until you wash a few loads.

Then, you need to shock clean the machine and re-wash the loads.

Do, you have time for that hassle?

TechnoFresh is extremely easy to use.

TechnoFresh® is a powder that is added to a few loads every week along with your detergent.

It is not a separate cleaning treatment.

It is extra easy.

You just toss a half ounce or so into the empty drum with most (but not all) going through the holes before you add your laundry. Don’t worry about about how much goes though the holes. The way TechnoFresh works, it all works out on average.

We suggest half an ounce in the first and last loads of the week

The Best Answer:

So, if you are blessed with a high tech, high efficiency, high priced clothes washer, and the other methods don’t work —

Or, you just want to be confident that the black mold, bacteria slime, and mildew infestation is under continuous

 control so you are not contaminating the laundry through the month.

You will need to move up to a better, more effective method…. Just as I needed to.

That better, more effective method is TechnoFresh®

Packet and tablet shock cleaners might work

TechnoFresh® is Guaranteed to work!

To start, it is a good idea to clean the machine with our home made vinegar based recipe SuperShock to remove as much of the gunky build up as you can.

After that, you start to use TechnoFresh to keep the machine and your laundry clean week after week.

You are not forced to run an emergency clean because the smell exploded unexpectedly

Use TechnoFresh a couple of times a week to build up the shield on the surface of the detergent on the plumbing and tub.

You will be able to leave damp laundry in the machine overnight again!

TechnoFresh® is different.

 It sanitizes the load it is used in.

Then it continuously suppresses growth during the period of time between wash days.

Continued use refreshes the TechnoFresh® mixed in the buildup of detergent.

Think of it like: The detergent sticks to the plumbing and the TechnoFresh sticks to the detergent.

The biofilm is under control and the odor does not come back easily.

It is the simple solution.


To be most effective:

You must never use more than two TABLESPOONFUL of any liquid detergent.  


  The very limited amount of water used in HE machines requires a minimum amount of detergent.

Use only enough to cover the bottom of the measuring cup cap from the detergent bottle.

The measuring marks on the cap are there to get you to use a lot of their super expensive detergent.

You get the odor problem if you do.

(Whether you buy TechnoFresh or not, you should cut back on the amount of detergent you use.)