Ideas for Different Wash Schedules:

These ideas are presented to suggest ways you can minimize the amount of TechnoFresh you use.
(even for TechnoFresh)
We recommend a full ounce of TechnoFresh in every load until the odor is controlled. But that will change. 1/2 to 3/4 capful/ounce per load could be enough for your situation. But, we suggest the recommended amounts as they were for assured performance.
The amount and schedule of use of TechnoFresh will depend on your individual situation. Use the minimum amount of detergent and TechnoFresh necessary for best results. Using half an ounce per load in more loads is more effective than using more TechnoFresh in a few loads.
If you wash a few loads once a week with a few days between washdays, use TechnoFresh in the first and last load of the week.
If you are washing all though the week you should start with using TechnoFresh in one load every 3-4 days
(preferably cottons because they will be the higher temps, the biggest load and will fill the machine to the highest levels.)

New Washing Machine
If you are getting a new machine and want to start out under control follow these steps:
Note: These instructions essentially kick start the control process.
Use TechnoFresh® in the first three loads at 3 capfuls per load.
Then use normally as needed.
Since you are going to get detergent film on the plumbing as soon as you use the machine, you should put down a coating that has a high concentration of TechnoFresh® in it.
That would be the most effective way of starting out using the machine.
Even if the machine had been used already, a couple of TechnoFresh® shock treatment flushes, should get you back to a clean enough surface for this to also work.
It seems the contamination level is affected more by idle time rather than loads run.
So try to do this treatment within 2-3 weeks of starting to use the machine.
Starting with machines with problem that are now in use
Run a Super Shock first to minimize the amount of TechnoFresh necessary ot get control of your machine.
.In most cases, your machine has been in use and has had a long time to get the nasties growing into all the nooks and crannies of the plumbing.
You have to do the complete TechnoFresh® Super Shock Treatment flush procedure to remove the build up of gunk.
After which you will fall into one of the categories below
After getting control of the machine.
There are many kinds of wash shedules.
If you do few loads per week:
The machine will have a few days to sit and get stinky.
Use TechnoFresh on the first and last load of your washdays(s)
If that is not effecitve you may need to add half an ounce of TechnoFresh® to every load for the best chance of success
If the machine sits unused for longer than 7-10 days:
If you have issues with the standard wash instructions you may need to run an empty load cycle (uses least amount of water) with a scoop of salt and hot water to flush out the water that is in the tub and plumbing before you start doing the laundry.
Use half an ounce of TechnoFresh® in the first 2 o loads of the week to get the stuff that grew during the week and then the last load of the week to suppress growth during the idle time for best chance of success
Adjust the procedure as you gain experience
A customer suggested that water with TechnoFresh® be added to the machine drum before leaving on vacation. I suggested one ounce in a gallon of water. Add one or two gallons of the mix to the machine drum directly. Close the door. This really should help a lot but no one has given feedback one way or another. So, I can’t guarantee this will work. If you try it let me know how it worked…