No More Mystery Black Spots:
TechnoFresh Rescues Your Clothes with a Guaranteed Solution

Use TechnoFresh regularily. It will keep the machine clean week after week.
Blackspots on laundry after washing means your washing machine is contaminated with a mold, mildew, fungus and bacteria biofilm on the surface of the drum.

It seems that cold water or softened water are very poor at removing all the body oils and food stains from sweat wicking fabrics. This causes very thin (invisible) layers to accumulate over time. But not enough to see the residue. This provides an organic surface for the contaminated detergent to attach to. Just like it attaches to the plumbing in a washer.
in short, the thing that causes sweat to stick the fabric and wick to the surface, is the same thing that causes the residue.
It just doesn’t want to let go!
This is a food source for the nasties in the washer and creates the Mystery Black Spots and odors. The black spots are probably mold or mildew particles from the contaminated washer that grow enough on the fabric in the short time the garment is drying to cause the stain.
Add to that: cold water / soft water are not good at rinsing out the detergent and fabric softener so they stick to the oils on the fabric and it makes things worse than hotter water. Just think of what it is like rinsing shampoo from your hair with cold water or soft water. It takes a while. And, the machine timer / sensor does not know that. It can stop the rinse cycle before all the stuff has been removed from the fibers.
Add to that: Most people use way too much detergent so there is a lot to rinse away.

Sport and other clothes that wick moisture use polypropylene or other synthetics:
These items can develop a musty, not quite clean smell over time.
This is due to the body oils also wicking along the fabric and remaining after washing in cold/cool water as directed.
If you have these problems (only some people do), you need to wash in warmer/hotter water every now and then to get the body oil, sweat, food stains and detergent residue to release from the synthetic fibers of fine clothes. The oils, sweat, and excess detergent are the food source for the nasties that cause the stains.
After that wash as normal adding a small amount of TechnoFresh® to make sure you don’t get spots until it is time for another hotter wash as determined by your habits.
For Sport Clothes, using TechnoFresh is easier to use and it is cheaper than using any of the specialty Sport Clothes detergents and cleaners available
TechnoFresh works in all temp water
Since this problem is an indication that you have mold. mildew and bacteria growing inside your machine.
Run a Super Shock or two to blast it. Then use TechnoFresh to keep it under control.
Sometimes it is necessary to soak items that have problems. Use watm water nd once ouce of TechnoFresh to a gallon of water. Soak ovenight. It is more important to soak longer than to use more TechnoFresh.

Suggestion to Flood and Disaster Victims
To try to reclaim clothes and other articles that have a mold or mildew smell using TechnoFresh
Use as Mold/Mildew Smell Soak
Really smelly fabrics that did not clean well in a machine can be soaked to allow the TechnoFresh to get into the nooks and crannies of the fibers.
Soaking time is much more important than the concentration of TechnoFresh so a mild solution for a long time is best (your time will vary by fabric and contamination).
After washing and rinsing as normal if possible, soak these items in a cool to warm TechnoFresh® solution (1 oz in 1 gallon) overnight to remove the nasties that are remaining on the surface (and especially down in any pores in the fabric) that are causing the odor.
Rinse the items thoroughly.
Increasing soaking time and agitation is more important than increasing the concentration of TechnoFresh.

This was the customer comment that started the dark smudge project in 2013:
Quite frankly, Thomas, I really do have more important things to do in my life than to make up stories like this!!
I’ve attached a file containing 24 pages of internet complaints and some alleged solutions on the same or similar problems.
(I’ve always wondered if those two lines were meant to be ironic… or not… 😉
I am trying to take some photos of my spotted shirts, but because the spots are on dark colored tops and t-shirts, they are hard to see.
Thomas, my question about these spots is WHY do they occur in the first place. I do not have a problem treating them with a stain remover and rewashing them. Now that they are treated, the second washing removes the stains THAT WERE NOT ON THE CLOTHES BEFORE THE FIRST WASHING —
Thank you so much! We have been using Techno Fresh for more years than I can remember and I can’t remember when I had a problem with a smelly washer or any of our sweat wicking clothes. One capful goes in the wash for all undergarments from Under Armor, LuLuLemon, etc etc and once every couple of weeks a capful in hot water keep my washing machine clean and fresh. It is wonderful. It really has no smell – just a fresh – no ODOR smell. We try to order ahead to be sure to keep some on hand!! I just ordered some for my daughter and her husband who work out a lot – They are super interested in learning more!
Thanks so much for your help and always following up.
Elizabeth 5-31-2022