
This page has a number of emails received over the years.
For another source go to my Facebook mentions page

I’ve been using your product for about 6 years or more and have had 3 different washers in that time. I’ve used it in an older very stinky machine with amazing results and in 2 new machines (due to moving) that with your product AND your laundry and use suggestions have never developed stink issues.
Indeed I actually did something I NEVER do and sent your ad to everyone on my friends list in addition to verbal recommendations to close friends and family. OK so most people are not as nutty about their laundry and their machines – ask anyone who knows me – but for the investment most women make in their wardrobe and their washers I dont believe its misplaced attention.
So thank you for a terrific product and valuable insights into washing machine use and care. Your FAQs.
Nancy 3/2020
Dear Thomas,
We are still here too, and we are loving TechnoFresh.
I found another use for TecnoFresh to share with you — cleaning soap scum from showers.
We have a colored porcelain bathtub/shower. Because the tub is colored, the soap scum accumulates on the tub and shows visible, ugly, white streaks. We have tried the usual — scrubbing bubbles, comet, barkeeper’s friend, Dawn liquid soap with baking soda & vinegar, Resolve carpet cleaner, and some specialty products targeting soap scum. Most failed. We relied on the Resolve to improve the looks, but the experiment with TechnoFresh proved better.
I mixed one capful of TechnoFresh with very hot water. I used a cloth to absorb the mixture and washed it liberally on the shower walls and tub. I then wrung out the cloth and wiped the walls. I repeated the process. Things looked good and felt good. Felt good — because before starting the project I could feel a grit from the soap residue on the smooth shower walls. After washing with TechnoFresh, the grit was gone. The appearance of the tub showed a much-improved shine.
A short while later I came back and checked the tub after everything was dry. I noticed that the tub had a left-over streak remaining on the bathtub. It stood out in strong contrast to the rest of the shine. I had wetted the area but must not have wiped it. I still had the mixture and successfully wiped over the area to make it shine like the rest. The shine remained long after it dried.
TechnoFresh is a great product to wipe down your tub & shower with so little effort.
Best wishes,
Salem, Ohio 2015
Thank you so much!
I’ve never been so happy to do laundry since I happened upon your site! I did the initial shock wih vinegar and salt. AMAZING!
Thank you so much for your hard work and time developing your product and all the information on your site.
I have been away for over a week so it will be interesting to see how it smells when I get home. I was going to try what someone suggested on your site, leave some water with he product in the washer when gone for extended periods.
On Jan 6, 2012 9:44 PM
…I found the name TechnoFresh on some other site while googling for “washing machine mold.”After reading your site, it all makes sense (educated technical sense and common sense)..the machine manufacturers’ faulty testing, the time factor, the chemistry and your cure.I enjoyed the whole site so much; and laughed out loud as I watched the Revenge vidieo.If your product is as good as your straightforward and educational website, it will be worth the money, for sure.
Thank you for working on the smelly washing machine problem for all of us. An honest answer to the problem will never be given by Frigidaire.Hope your patent is approved and all the detergent manufacturers put your Nu Fresh right into the jugs, if that is chemically feasible.
Thanks again. I made my first order today and just know it will clean up my moldy 8 month old front loader.
…it has helped with the smell. Especially with our towels! I was just wondering if the LG machines were worse than others. And if there were any other tricks…I have read your entire site, so I have been using 1 TB of the HG detergent and I don’t use softner anymore. The first time I measured out the 1 TB, I thought…this can’t possibly clean the clothes…but it does! At this rate, with me only doing 2-3 loads per week, I won’t have to purchase detergent for a long time. 🙂
Thanks for the quick response too!
Thanks for the great product. I’ve been suffering from horrible rotten washer, stinking up my whole house for 2 years. I was about to give away the washer before I purchased your product. It did exactly what you said it would do. My clothes and washer are as good as new.
Thanks again.
It appears to be working. I did use vinegar and hot water to get a head start on clearing the smell. Then started using TechnoFresh once a week. It has been working well since then. We are retired and do not need to do laundry as frequently as we used to, so we definitely fit the profile of those that have the problem.
Thank you so much for all your help. Sorry I didn’t get back with you sooner. My husband had to deploy so things were kind of hectic for awhile. I just ordered a 5 lb container and wish you had an even larger size! I now know I can never be without Nu Fresh again. The washer is not 100% odor free, but it is a major improvement. Now I only notice the smell when it has been a few days, so it’s just a reminder that it’s time to put more Nu Fresh in. I don’t really notice a smell on the clothes anymore, so I didn’t have to buy new towels either 🙂 I’ll be sure to spread the word!
Thank you again,
Ok and thanks. The repairman today did nothing. It was a joke. He said my washer smelled great compared to others he has seen and there is nothing they can do about it. There will always be water left in the machine because it stays in the sealed pump, although my smell is not rotten sewage and our clothes are fine. It’s just the buildup on the outside of the drum like you said.
I’m sticking with your recommendations, the vinegar shock followed by TechnoFresh with 1 table spoon of HE powder, because it seems better than it was.
We originally had the Maytag front loader. We had trouble with it from the beginning. We decided to get a new one because it smelled so bad. Within a couple of months of getting the new machine the problems started again. I mainly noticed it with the towels and the clothing that I air dried. Nothing smelled “fresh”. I was going to buy new towels when my husband talked me into going on the internet to see if this was a “normal” problem with these types of washing machines and if there was a way to fix it. I came across your website. I have to admit your product seemed too good to be true. So, I did all kinds of searches to see if there were any negative reports about the product. Since I didn’t find anything I went ahead and placed my order. By the way, thank you for getting the order in the mail right away.
After receiving the TechnoFresh, I washed a load of rag towels (in case they got ruined). I didn’t see anything wrong so I was on to my “true” test…the bathroom towels…STINKY!! One wash was all it took!!!!! My towels smell great, all of our clothes smell great and my laundry room no longer smells.
I am the happiest person on earth since finding this product!! My husband says that he bets every husband out there probably wishes their wives were as easy to please as I am!!
Thanks for coming up with such an easy solution to such a stinky problem!!
I used the TechnoFresh all weekend (in the drum and dispenser). If I thought I could have kept my balance, I would have jumped for joy in the shower when I used my washcloth. For the first time in FOREVER my towels don’t stink!!! My husband thinks I’m crazy for being so excited about this. I am so happy I found this product!! It’s much cheaper than buying new towels!!
Thanks again!!
Jamie (another one)
After using TechnoFresh my laundry and washer smell fresh right after washing but the smell returns in several days when washer is not used. Will the smell ever go away totally
TechnoFresh Answer)
(Sorry to say … Nature will never give up
Continued treatments are required no matter what method you use)