TechnoFresh 2 lb Jar with Scoop Veteran Discount


Half a scoop in he first and last load of the week will control mold, mildew, fungus, bacteria and virus on the surface of the laundry washing machine.

A 2lb jar usually last 5-6 months.

Keep It Clean – Week After Week!!!





TechnoFresh is a laundry detergent additive used to control odors and smells from your laundry or machine. The odors and smells come from the bacteria, mold, mildew and fungus growing on the tub walls and plumbing of the machine. TechnoFresh uses safe , common chemicals to sanitize the surfaces. Use a half an ounce of TechnoFresh in the first and last load of the week to keep the growth of all the smelly nasties under control.

There are a lot of washer cleaners out there. Only TechnoFresh is Patented.